Monday, April 22, 2013

My Weekend Without Time.

My weekend without time was absolutely stressful.

The preparation for it wasn't too bad. I had to cover up the times in the kitchen (only above the oven), the two cars, my laptop, and my upstairs bedroom. I left the clock in my parents room alone as I wasn't going to go in there anyway and I took down the clock we had in our living room. There. That wasn't too bad.

I began on Friday night at 8:30. It wasn't too bad that night. I think I ended up staying up late that night because I didn't know what time it was. I let my tiredness dictate what time I would go to bed, something that I actually liked. I hate having to go to sleep at a certain time (bed time anyone?) so that was one aspect of a weekend without time that I really enjoyed.

The next morning, I had to wake up early. I didn't set my alarm, and had my mom wake me up instead. She told me that I was late. I hated not knowing how late I was. Since I didn't know how much time I had to get ready, I rushed through everything, only to find out that we weren't going to be that late at all. I could have spent more time in the shower waking myself up! My parents then drove me to dance rehearsal where everyone threatened to tell me the time constantly. I got through that, but dance without time was very stressful experience. I'm usually the one telling everyone that they need to be ready in x minutes and that we were set to go in y hours. It was hard to depend on someone else for that time. That dependence made me very nervous and almost made my day less enjoyable. Of course, after we had performed and gotten off the stage, I relaxed and I ended up having a great time. I didn't pay attention to the numerous clocks that were around the auditorium, and I found that time flew by.

The next day was much more relaxed. I woke up later, but I didn't know what time, so I wasn't sure if I should wake up or stay in bed. I finally got out and began to do my homework. I will admit that my homework seemed to get done faster since I wasn't looking at the time 24/7. My problem is that I work for 45 minutes and then take a 5 minute break. As I'm working those 45 minutes, I'm constantly looking forward to that break, something that makes my work go by a lot slower. Without time, I just continued to work until I felt as if I could work no longer. And then I took a break until I thought I should get back to work. That worked very well for me and and I may begin to just shut off time every time I begin my homework from now on.

Overall, my weekend without time wasn't a very pleasant one. Of course, that may have been because of the fact that I had a dance performance on Saturday that was very time driven. Maybe, if I had a totally relaxed weekend, I would have liked not knowing the time a lot more. I did enjoy some of the day on Sunday despite not knowing what time of day it was. I think I might try this again someday, on a weekend where I have nothing planned. I think that the results may be very different. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shmi,
    I think that your description is very detailed. I felt like you conveyed how you felt. I think that this weekend seemed very stressful for you just because of the fact that you needed to be somewhere .. but your right the weekend makes all the difference... I think that this blog was SO good!
